Energy Monitoring
We offer inspection, evaluation and monitoring of various equipment with the view to understanding the true operating cost and where savings may be made.
If you are not measuring, you are only guessing. So knowing how much your energy bill is but having no data of when and where you are consuming energy, leaves you in the dark about how much your lighting and machinery is costing you.
We take a “bigger picture” view or not only how much energy you consume, but how much energy is costing you and breaking this down into how much each machine cost per hour/shift to run so you have accurate up to the minute information.
The only way to start saving energy is to start measuring your usage and then get practicable advice on how and where saving can be made.
EJ Fidgeon is based in based in Mullingar Co. Westmeath and covers Dublin, Cavan, Kildare Laois, Longford and Meath counties

Thermal imaging used to check connections on solar panels installation.
Lost Cost Energy Monitoring Options
We use Wi-Fi based low cost energy monitors to measure and record the consumption of electricity, water, gas and temperature.
The data is recorded and stored on the cloud. So once you log on to the web interface, all devices will show you the current data and costings in real time.
Easily get the data for the past hour, 12 hours, 24 hours etc and see what energy you used vs what you produced.
Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control
. . .be smart
• Monitoring for electricity, water, gas, heat …
• Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, CO2, TDS, pH …
• One interface for all resources
• Cloud data server
• Wireless network interface Wi-Fi
• Dashboard for data visualization
• One-minute data details
• Remote load management
• API Tools for developers
• MQTT client interface

Thermal imaging used to indetify cold bridging and insulation deficiencies.
Energy Audits
Heating of a commercial and industrial space is a major cost to a business. We can check and advise you on the best ways to get maximum comfort for the least amount of energy.
Its about looking at the “bigger picture” and getting an overall view of not only how much energy you use, but how much and how often each machine/item is using energy.
Matching energy use with for example the output of a shift in a manufacturing process, would give an energy cost per item and allow for monitoring any changes in energy consumption vs. output.
Another example is machines being left running during breaks, knowing how much each machine is costing per hour loaded vs. idle will help determine if ways to automate shutdown of unattended machines would be cost effective to implement.
For example your heating system may be a large consumer of energy, but your staff are still uncomfortable. We look at the why, often excessive energy use and poor comfort is connected to building air tightness and insulation. It’s important to investigate the why, and indentify the root cause.
EJ Fidgeon is based in based in Mullingar Co. Westmeath and covers Dublin, Cavan, Kildare Laois, Longford and Meath counties

Thermal Imaging used for checking condenser coil performance.